2024-01-21 大卫根基被毁坏 David’s foundations destroyed – 林義忠牧师 Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 21.01.2024
讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 大卫根基被毁坏
Title : David’s foundations destroyed
经文 : 撒下2 Sam. 11:1-17

1) 大卫原来的根基
David’s initial foundations
i) 渴慕寻求神的心
Heart to pray and seek God: *诗Ps. 27:7-8; 59:16-17
ii) 渴慕亲近神的心
Heart to draw near to God: *诗Ps. 27:4
iii) 渴慕神话语的心
Heart longing for God’s Word: *诗Ps. 143:8, 10

2) 根基毁坏的影响
Impact of destroyed foundations
i) 体贴肉体和情欲
Submitting to fleshly desires: *撒下2 Sam. 11:1-4
ii) 灵里麻木不敏锐
Spiritually numb and insensitive:
*撒下2 Sam. 11:3; 12:1-7
iii) 不会想到神的话
Forgetting the Word of God

3) 根基坏能做什么
What to do when foundations destroyed
i) 不要拒见属灵人
Do not avoid to see spiritual people:
*撒下2 Sam. 12:1
ii) 受教领受神的话
Be teachable to receive God’s Word: *v7-12
iii) 要谦卑认罪悔改
Be humble to confess and repent:
*v13, 16-17; 诗Ps. 51