2024-01-14 追求认识神 Pursuit of Knowing God – 郑胜希弟兄(Bro. Jesse Tang)

蒙福主日 14.01.2024
讲员:郑胜希弟兄(Bro. Jesse Tang)
主题 : 追求认识神
Title : Pursuit of Knowing God
经文 : 太Mt. 7:21-23

1) 如何认识神
How to know God?
i) 常读经祷告
Read the Bible and pray frequently
ii) 持柔软的心
Keeping a soft heart
* 结 Eze. 36:26
iii) 不断的渴慕
Unceasing longing

2) 生命的至宝
The most precious thing in life: *太Mt. 13:45-46
i) 最好的礼物
The best gift
ii) 尽全力守护
Protect at all cost: * 腓 Phil. 3:7-8
iii) 会要传给人
Wanting to share with others