2024-01-28 乌西雅的始末 The beginning and end of Uzziah – 林義忠牧师 Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 28.01.2024

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 乌西雅的始末
Title : The beginning and end of Uzziah
经文 : 代下 2 Chron. 26:1-9, 16-23

1) 十六岁登基做王
Became king at sixteen
i) 行神看为正的事
Did what was right in God’s eyes: v3-4
ii) 听从先知寻求神
Listened to prophet and sought God: v5
iii) 有神帮助甚强盛
Became very powerful with God’s help: v5, 8, 15

2) 强盛后心高气傲
Became very proud after becoming powerful
i) 行事邪僻干犯神
Unfaithful and sinned against God: v16
ii) 要抢做祭司圣职
Wanting to perform consecrated duty of priests:
v16, 18
iii) 众祭司勇敢劝阻
Courageous priests tried to stop: v17-18

3) 当场向祭司发怒
Became angry with priests on the spot
i) 大麻风忽然发出
Leprosy broke out suddenly: v19-20
ii) 被隔绝孤单至死
Being isolated till death: v21
iii) 以长大麻风留名
Remembered for having leprosy: v23