2024-03-24 悔改的能力 The power of repentance – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 24.03.2024

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 悔改的能力
Title : The power of repentance
经文 : 王上 1Kings 21

1) 人悔改会发生什么事
What will happen when a sinner repents

i) 神会扭转原来的决定
God can change His initial decision:
*v28-29; 拿Jonah 3:1-4, 9

ii) 在天上必会有大欢喜
Great rejoicing in heaven: *路Luke 15:7, 10

iii) 悔改不是口头上而已
Repentance is not mere words:
*v27-29; 拿Jonah 3:5-8

2) 神旨意就是要人悔改
God’s will is for people to repent

i) 这就是耶稣来的原因
That is the reason why Jesus came:
*约John 3:16; 路Luke 5:29-32

ii) 神不愿意有一人沉沦
God does not want anyone to perish *彼后2Pet. 3:9

iii) 遮盖并阻止许多的罪
Cover over and prevent a multitude of sins: *雅James 5:20; 但Dan. 4:27