2023-10-22 网险些裂开 The nets began to break – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 22.10.2023

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 网险些裂开
Title : The nets began to break
经文 : 路 Luke 5:1-11

1) 顺服和愿意被主用
Obedient and willing to be used by the Lord
i) 日常生活中的东西
Things in your daily life: v2-3
ii) 尊敬顺服耶稣的话
Respecting and obeying what Jesus says: v3-5
iii) 这样会经历神的真
Will experience God’s reality if so: v6-9

2) 经历神迹后的问题
Problems after experiencing miracle
i) 网要裂开船要下沉
Nets began to break and boats began to sink: v6-7
ii) 一定要有同伴帮助
Need partners’ help: v7
iii) 神迹真正目的何在
What is the purpose of miracles? v8-11
a) 看到神的真和伟大
See God’s reality and greatness
b) 谦卑悔改因为不配
Humbly repent because unworthy
c) 愿意跟随与服事主
Willing to follow and serve the Lord