2023-10-15 Behaviour of pigs and dogs 猪狗行为 – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 15.10.2023

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 猪狗行为
Title : Behaviour of pigs and dogs
经文 : 太 Mt. 7:6

1) 对牛弹琴不会珍惜
Wasting time playing to unappreciative audience
i) 用心良苦安排最好
Making effort to give the best
ii) 不感恩还反咬一口
Ungrateful and offensive
iii) 对属灵事毫不领情
Unappreciative of spiritual things
“圣物” sacred things
“珍珠” pearls : 太 Mt. 13:45-46

2) 一次又一次给机会
Given opportunity time and time again
*路 Luke 13:6-9
i) 白占地土浪费资源
Wasting space and resources
ii) 让给别人早结果子
Others would have borne fruit
iii) 爱心也要加上智慧
Love must be wise as well
*帖后 2 Th. 3:10