2023-04-23 这是什么呢?What is it? – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 23.04.2023
讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 这是什么呢?
Title : What is it?
经文 : 出Ex. 16

1) 刚得救不久不成熟
Immature as saved not long ago
i) 会埋怨会怀念过去
Grumbling and missing the life before: v2-3
ii) 神听见了却不动怒
God heard but was not angry: v6-9
iii) 神还行神迹和供应
God even provided miraculously: v8, 11-14

2) 神赐吗哪和安息日
God gave manna and the Sabbath
i) 从天上降下的粮食
Food that came down from heaven
ii) 每天所需用的粮食
Food we need every day: v15-21
iii) 安息日有特别供应
Special provision for the Sabbath: v22-30
(a) 安息日不当忙生活
Not to be busy with livelihood on the Sabbath: v26-28
(b) 神供应安息日所需
God provides for the need on the Sabbath: