2023-04-16 有神同在的神仆人 God’s servant with God’s presence – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 16.04.2023

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 有神同在的神仆人
Title : God’s servant with God’s presence
经文 : 徒 Acts 27:27 – 28:10

1) 在逆境中成为灯标
A beacon in adverse situation
i) 神赐权柄和影响力
God gives authority and influence: *27:24-25, 30-32
ii) 领导指示该做什么
Lead and instruct on what to do: *27:33-38
iii) 神会赐贵人帮助他
God will send right people to help: *27:42-43

2) 服事的心不受影响
Heart to serve not affected
i) 尽管看似祸不单行
Even when troubles keep coming: 28:3
ii) 尽管被人怀疑批评
Even when people doubt and criticise: 28:4
iii) 仍然服事使人蒙福
Continue to serve and be a blessing: 28:8-10