2022-08-21 Does the Lord know you?主认识你吗? – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 21.08.2022

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 主认识你吗?
Title : Does the Lord know you?
经文 : 太Mt. 7:15-23

1) 果子断定真假门徒
True or fake disciples determined by the fruit
i) 不结好果砍下烧掉
Cut down and thrown into the fire for not bearing good fruit: v19; 约John 15:6
ii) 到底什么是好果子
Then what are good fruit
a) 悔改的果子
Fruit of repentance
b) 门徒/灵魂的果子
Fruit of disciples/souls
c) 荣耀神的果子
Fruit that glorifies God
Life impacts life
2) 何谓遵行天父旨意
What is doing the will of the Father
i) 传扬救恩和神的话
Sharing salvation and God’s Word
With God’s love as the prime motive:
*约John 3:16; 15:10,12
Just wanting to glorify God’s name:
*约John 15:8; 腓Php. 2:11