2022-08-28 传福音的人 – Messengers of the Gospel 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 28.08.2022

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 传福音的人
Title : Messengers of the Gospel
经文 : 太Mt. 10:1-15

1) 传福音的人的条件
Conditions for the messengers
i) 主赐权柄蒙主差遣
Given authority and sent by the Lord: v1-5
ii) 听主指示照主策略
Listen to and follow the Lord’s instructions and strategies: v5-6
Preach and serve freely: v7-8

2) 打听能接待的好人
Search for worthy person to receive
i) 应当接待供应所需
To receive and provide for what messengers need:
*v9-10, 40-42
Peace will descend if deserving : v11-13
Judgment for those not welcoming: v14-15