2021-10-24 什么是负担?What is a burden? 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 24.10.2021

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 什么是负担?
Title : What is a burden?
经文 : 徒Acts 16:1-12

1) 如何决定在哪里事奉?
How to decide where to serve?
i) 正确心态也不一定是
May not be even if right attitude: v6-7
ii) 有负担更要有顺服心
Obedience more important than burden:
* v8-12; 徒Acts13:1-3; 罗Rom.13:1-2
iii) 神没问你的负担在哪
God doesn’t ask where your burden is:
* 赛Isaiah 6:8; 太Mt. 28:19

2) 最终何谓真正的负担?
Ultimately what is the real burden?
i) 无论到哪里都传福音
Share the Gospel wherever you go: v4-6
ii) 未必很顺或容易适应
May not be smooth or easily adaptable: v16-24
iii) 负担是一切都为主做
Burden is do everything for the Lord: