2020-11-01 (蒙福主日 Sunday Service) 不断学习,不断成长 Keep learning, keep growing – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 01.11.2020
讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 不断学习,不断成长
Title : Keep learning, keep growing
经文 : 徒Acts 10:9-23

1) 已能祷告死人复活
Could pray for the dead to come alive: 9:40-41
i) 仍然是个祷告的人
Still a praying person: 10:9-10
ii) 从祷告得神的启示
Received revelation through prayer: v11-13
iii) 不是随便就有异象
Revelations do not come simply

2) 异象不能乱解其意
Must not simply interpret meaning
i) 可能不明白或抗拒
Might not understand or may resist: v14, 17
ii) 神会解释也必印证
God will explain and confirm: v15-16, 19-20
iii) 新皮袋接受新工作
New wineskins accepting new work: 路Luke 5:37-39