2020-11-08 蒙福主日 Sunday Service – 百夫长哥尼流The centurion Cornelius – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 08.11.2020

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 百夫长哥尼流
Title : The centurion Cornelius
经文 : 徒Acts 10:1-8, 17-33

1) 神会注意真虔诚人
God notices truly God-fearing people
i) 单单行善不能救你
Doing good works by itself cannot save you: v2
ii) 耶稣是得救的道路
Jesus is the way of salvation: v34-43
iii) 真虔诚的会感动神
Truly God-fearing people touch God

2) 真虔诚的一些特征
Some characteristics of truly God-fearing people
i) 行善周济因敬畏神
Doing good works because God-fearing: v2
ii) 会谦卑听从神的话
Humble to listen to and obey God’s words:
* v4-8, 33
iii) 不只救己还救别人
Not only saving themselves but others too:
* v27, 44-48