2019 Oct 20th – 复兴带来的问题: (二) 服事的人手不够 Problems revival brings: (2) Lacking in people who serve – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 20.10.19

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题:复兴带来的问题 : (二) 服事的人手不够
Title : Problems revival brings: (2) Lacking in people who serve
经文:徒 Acts 6:1-10

Raise up more people to serve: v3
i) 要不然复兴会停
Otherwise revival will stop
ii) 我们要愿意服事
We must be willing to serve: 罗Rom. 12:1-2
iii) 但选人不能随便
But must not be careless in choosing people

Pre-requisites to serving
i) 被人尊重好名声
Respected with good reputation
ii) 圣灵充满灵命好
Full of the Holy Spirit with good spiritual life:
* v8-10
iii) 智慧充足会做事
Full of wisdom and capable