2019 Oct 27th 复兴带来的问题: (三) 会遇到要阻止的人 Problems revival brings: (3) People who want to stop the revival – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 27.10.19

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 复兴带来的问题: (三) 会遇到要阻止的人
Title : Problems revival brings: (3) People who want to stop the revival
经文: 徒 Acts 4:1-31

Not everyone will be excited
i) 有权势的人施压力
People with authority pressuring: v1, 5-7
ii) 明显神迹仍要阻止
Wanting to stop despite obvious miracle: v13-18
iii) 人会妒忌甚至恐吓
People get jealous and even threaten: v17, 21

How to let revival continue
i) 同心面对互相扶持
Face the problems together and support
each other: v3, 7, 19-20
ii) 靠圣灵得胆量口才
Receive courage and words from the
Holy Spirit: v8-14, 19
iii) 同心祷告圣灵充满
United in prayer and filled with the Holy Spirit: