2018 Nov 4th – 真正悔改的教会 A true repented church – Ps GT Lim

蒙福主日 04.11.18

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
Title : A true repented church
经文:徒Acts 2:42-47

1) 同心学习及成长
To learn and grow together: v42-43
i) 都恒心遵守教训
Devoted themselves to the teaching: v42
ii) 掰饼祈祷和敬畏
Breaking of bread, prayer and reverence
*掰饼Breaking of bread:
路 Luke22:14-20; 林前 1Cor.11:23-33
iii) 许多奇事与神迹
Many wonders and miracles: v43
2) 与信的人在一起
Be together with believers: v44-47
i) 互相照顾与分享
Caring for and sharing with one another:
ii) 欢喜与诚实团契
Fellowshipping with gladness and sincerity: v46
iii) 得民喜爱人得救
Enjoying favour of people and saving souls: v47