2016 Nov 27th 灵命之旅-(19)小心巴兰的路 Beware of Balaam’s way – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 27.11.16

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :灵命之旅-(十九)小心巴兰的路
Title : Spiritual journey: (19) Beware of Balaam’s way
经文 :民 Num. 22:5-35

1) 巴兰的路是贪财路
Balaam’s way is the way of greed
i) 很有恩赐的事奉者
Very gifted and serving God: v6, 12
ii) 有些事不必求印证
Certain things do not need confirmation: v7-8, 19
iii) 神很清楚你的贪念
God knows very well your greedy heart: v7, 15-18

2) 贪心绝对引向灭亡
Greed definitely leads to destruction
i) 为利益走灭亡的路
Walk towards destruction for profit:
* 犹Jude v10-11
ii) 离弃原本走的正路
Left the initial straight road:
* 彼后2 Pet. 2:15-17; 提前1 Tim. 6:6-10
iii) 贪心跟拜偶像一样
A greedy person is an idolater: * 弗Eph. 5:5-7