2016 Nov 20th – 灵命之旅-(18)一路上神的帮助 God’s help along the journey – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 20.11.16

讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :灵命之旅-(十八)一路上神的帮助
Title : Spiritual journey: (18) God’s help along the journey
经文 :书 Joshua 5:13-15

1) 神的帮助非盲目
God’s help is not blind
i) 人容易自以为是
People are easily presumptuous: v13
ii) 是我们当听神的
We should be listening to God: v14
iii) 谦卑降服神旨意
Humbly surrendering to God’s will: v14

2) 神的路是圣洁的
God’s way is holy
i) 所以当分别为圣
So we must be sanctified: v15
ii) 能存活是神怜悯
To stay alive is God’s mercy
iii) 当毫无质疑顺服
Should obey without a doubt: v15