2023-10-01 负面话 Negative words – 高伟宏牧师 (Ps. Geoff David Koh)

蒙福主日 24.09.2023

讲员:高伟宏牧师 (Ps. Geoff David Koh)
主题 : 负面话
Title : Negative words
经文 : 民 Num 13-14:39

1. 说负面话的探子
The spies who said negative words
a. 乃是支派的领袖
Leaders of each tribe: 13:1-15
b. 负面的多过正面
More negative than positive:
13:27-30; 14:6-9
c. 不但负面还夸大
Not only negative but exaggerating:

2. 说负面话的后果
Consequences of saying negative words
a. 带来负面的影响
Bringing negative impacts: 14:1-4,10a
b. 失去原有的祝福
Losing original blessings: 14:23, 29-31
c. 招来上帝的审判
Leading to God’s judgement: 14:12, 21-23, 26-37