2023-09-03 天父赐给我们圣灵 The Father gives us the Holy Spirit – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 03.09.2023

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 天父赐给我们圣灵
Title : The Father gives us the Holy Spirit
经文 : 约John 14:16-18

1) 乃耶稣求父所赐
Jesus asked the Father to give: v16
i) 是我们的保惠师
He is our Counsellor: v16, 26; 15:26
* “保惠师” (Counsellor) 原文 (original meaning)
– 代祷者 intercessor: 罗Rom 8:26-27
– 安慰者 consoler, comforter
– 中保,中间人,辩护者 advocate:
路Luke 12:11-12; 太Mt.10:18-20
ii) 永远与我们同在
To be with us forever: v16

2) 祂是真理的圣灵
He is the Spirit of truth: 15:26; 16:13
i) 使想起耶稣的话
Reminds us of the words of Jesus: 14:26
ii) 引导进入真理里
Guides us into all truth: 16:13

3) 特别重要的任务
Specially important task
i) 祂是来荣耀耶稣
He comes to glorify Jesus: 16:14
ii) 能力为主作见证
Power to witness for Jesus: 15:26-27 * 徒Acts 1:8