2023-06-25 父母与孩子 Parents and children – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 25.06.2023

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 父母与孩子
Title : Parents and children

1) 父母对孩子的责任
Responsibilities of the parents
i) 确保孩子会认识神
To make sure their children know God:
*申 Deut. 6:4-9; 士 Judges 2:7-12
ii) 管教孩子走对的路
To discipline their children to walk in the right path: *箴 Prov. 22:6; 撒上 1 Sam. 2:29; 3:11-13
To take care of the spirit, soul and body of their children: *弗 Eph. 6:4