2023-06-11 千钧一发 A close call – Ps. GT Lim 林義忠牧师

蒙福主日 11.06.2023

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 千钧一发
Title : A close call
经文 : 斯Esther 5:13-14; 6

1) 仿佛善事白做一场
As though your kind deeds are wasted
i) 拯救王命却无奖赏
No reward for saving the king’s life: * 2:21-23
ii) 却提拔不配得的人
Undeserving person elevated instead: * 3:1-2
iii) 但仍要行应当行的
But must continue to do what we ought to:
* 加Gal. 6:9-10

2) 神的时间神的美意
God’s perfect timing and plan
i) 神等到最关键时刻
God waited till the most critical moment: * 6:1-10
ii) 若已奖赏就死定了
Doomed if already rewarded: * 6:3
iii) 神必记念祂的子民
God will remember His people: * 6:12-13; 7:9-10