2023-04-02 不听劝而落难 In trouble for rejecting advice – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 02.04.2023

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 不听劝而落难
Title : In trouble for rejecting advice
经文 : 徒Acts 27:1-26

1) 神忠心仆人也会受苦
God’s faithful servants may suffer too
i) 为了神旨意不怕受苦
Not afraid of suffering for God’s will: 26:30-32
ii) 连同其他囚犯被遣送
Repatriated with other prisoners: 27:1-2
iii) 但神会暗中安排保守
But God will arrange for protection secretly:
v3, 42-43

2) 因神仆人众人也得救
The others saved as well because of God’s servants
i) 保罗有感动不可行船
Paul felt they must not set sail: v9-10
ii) 百夫长选择人的意念
Centurion chose human wisdom: v11-12
(a) 靠人聪明与经验
Relying on human wisdom and experience
(b) 赶时间和求方便
Rushing for time and seeking convenience
(c) 凭眼见和靠感觉
Trusting sight and feelings
iii) 落难了必须听神的话
Must listen to God when in trouble: v20-26