2022-07-24 胜过负面环境 Overcoming negative environment – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 24.07.2022

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 胜过负面环境
Title : Overcoming negative environment
经文 : 可Mark 5:35-43

1) 靠着耶稣持守信心
Keeping the faith with Jesus’ help
i) 不受环境人群影响
Not affected by environment and people: v21-23
ii) 贴近耶稣绝对没错
Definitely right to keep close to Jesus: v24, 36
iii) 主的话会激励信心
Jesus’ words will boost your faith: v35-36, 39

2) 当周遭环境不造就
When surrounding environment not edifying
i) 身边要有信心的人
Need people of faith beside you: v37, 40
ii) 不理负面言语行为
Ignore negative words and actions: v35, 38
iii) 刻意灭掉负面声音
Silence negative voices deliberately: v40