2022-07-10 革尼撒勒的神迹 The miracle at Gennesaret – 高伟宏弟兄 (Bro. Wei Hong)

蒙福主日 10.07.2022

讲员:高伟宏弟兄 (Bro. Wei Hong)
主题 : 革尼撒勒的神迹
Title : The miracle at Gennesaret
经文 : 路加福音Luke 5:1-11

1) 神迹发生前的预备
Preparation before the miracle
i) 耶稣传讲上帝的道: v1-3
Jesus preaching the Word of God
ii) 与耶稣在同一艘船: v3
In the same boat with Jesus
iii)不倚靠自己的经验: v4-5
Not depending on own experience

2) 神迹发生后的反应
Reaction to the miracle
i) 与耶稣更加的亲密: v8
Getting closer to Jesus
ii) 承认自己丝毫不配: v8
Admitting own utter unworthiness
iii)撇下一切跟随耶稣: v11
Laying down everything to follow Jesus