2021-09-05 渴慕却没得救 Hungry but not saved – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 05.09.2021

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 渴慕却没得救
Title : Hungry but not saved
经文 : 可Mk. 6:14-29

1) 本是会渴慕的人
Was initially spiritually hungry
i) 知道约翰是义人
Knew John was a righteous man: v20
ii) 会敬畏和保护他
Feared and protected him: v20
iii) 乐意听也会遵行
Liked to listen and even did accordingly: v20

2) 后来却没有得救
Ultimately not saved
i) 情感和罪的破口
The opening of relationship and sin: v17-19
ii) 地位和面子问题
Problem of status and reputation: v21-26
iii) 违背良心失平安
Lost peace for going against conscience: v14, 16
* 路Luke 23:6-11