2021-07-04 夺取神荣耀的危险 The danger of robbing God’s glory – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 04.07.2021
讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 夺取神荣耀的危险
Title : The danger of robbing God’s glory
经文 : 徒Acts 12:21-24

1) 优厚身世与条件
Advantageous background and qualifications
i) 贵族血统的后裔
Descendant of royal bloodline
ii) 有财势也有地位
Rich and powerful: v21
iii) 有才华也受欢迎
Talented and popular: v22

2) 滥用与浪费祝福
Abused and wasted blessings
i) 只想讨人的欢喜
Only wanted to please men: v1-3
ii) 逼迫杀害主门徒
Persecuted and killed the Lord’s disciples
iii) 荣耀己被虫咬死
Glorified himself and killed by worms: v23