2016 June 26th – 灵命之旅: (七)需要好同伴好同工 Spiritual journey: (7) The need for good companions and co-workers – Pastor GT Lim

蒙福主日 26.06.16 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :灵命之旅: (七)需要好同伴好同工
Title : Spiritual journey: (7) The need for good companions and co-workers
经文Scripture :出Ex.17:8-16

1) 得救路上还有仇敌
There are still enemies along salvation road
i) 分配任务面对仇敌
Delegating duties to face enemies: v8-9
ii) 顺服指示同心同工
Obeying instructions and working together with
one heart: v10

2) 单靠一人无法得胜
Not able to triumph just relying on one person
i) 扶持领袖毫无批评
Supporting leader without criticising: v11-12
ii) 同心同工神赐胜利
God grants victory when working together with one heart: v13, 15