2014 August 17th – The role of God’s truth in end-time 真理在末世的角色 – Ps. G.T. Lim

蒙福主日 17.08.14 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :真理在末世的角色
Title : The role of God’s truth in end-time

1) 得看清末世的迷惑
To see clearly end-time deceptions:
*太Mt. 24:4-5, 9-11, 15-26
i) 能辨明真假的宝剑
Sword distinguishing truth from lies: *弗 Eph. 6:17; 来 Heb. 4:12
ii) 能指引方向的亮光
Light directing your paths:
*诗 Ps. 25:4-5; 119:105

2) 信心建立在真理上
Faith is built on God’s truth:*罗Rom. 10:17
i) 非定睛财富和神迹
Not focussed on wealth and miracles: *太Mt. 24:24
ii) 耶稣给我们立榜样 Jesus set the example for us:
*太Mt. 4:1-11