2017 Apr 2nd – 让魔鬼逃跑的武器 – The weapon that makes the devil flee – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 02.04.17

讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 :让魔鬼逃跑的武器
Title : The weapon that makes the devil flee
经文 :雅James 4:6-17

Not just pure modesty
i) 乃是降服于神
But surrendering to God: v15

ii) 荣耀都归给神
Give all the glory to God: 林前1Cor. 1:29-31
iii) 反而被神升高
Lifted up by God instead : v10
*彼前1Pet. 5:6 ; 腓Php. 2:8-9

2) 谦卑人的特征
Distinctive features of a humble person
i) 会先检讨自己
Will examine himself first: v11-12
*太Matt. 7:1-5
ii) 受教听劝顺服
Teachable, listening to advice and obedient:
*彼前1Pet. 5:5
iii) 神亲近魔鬼逃
God comes near, the devil flees: v7-8