2014 Feb 16th – 惹怒神的话 Words that angered God – Pastor GT Lim

蒙福主日 16.02.14 讲员:林义忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 Title: 惹怒神的话 Words that angered God
经文 Scripture:民 Numbers 11:31-34; 14:26-37

1) 因贪欲和面临考验
Because of greed and tests
i) 说没信主前还更好
Said better before believing in the Lord: 11:4-5,18
ii) 说回去埃及还更好
Said better to return to Egypt: 14:1-4
iii) 神原本不轻易发怒
God is not easily angered: 14:17-20

2) 神为何因此发烈怒?
Why was God burned with anger over this?
i) 神不喜悦人不感恩
God is never pleased with ungrateful people
ii) 藐视与污辱神作为
Despising and humiliating God’s work
: 11:20; 14:10-11
iii) 间接称赞魔鬼更好
Indirectly praising the devil as being better