2023-05-14 试探 Temptation 试探 – 高伟宏牧师 (Ps. Geoff David Koh)

Temptation 试探
高伟宏牧师 (Ps. Geoff David Koh)
创Gen. 39:1-20

一.约瑟面对试探 The temptation
that Joseph encountered
a. 肉体上的情欲
The lust of the flesh
b. 对生活的影响
Impact on his livelihood
c. 地位以及名利
Status and fame
How did Joseph overcome?
a. 不低头不妥协
Did not compromise: v.8, 10
b. 坚决不得罪神
Determined not to sin against God: v.9
c. 毫不犹豫逃离
Ran away without hesitation: v.12