2023-03-19 寻找耶稣 Looking for Jesus – 林義忠牧师

蒙福主日 19.03.2023

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 寻找耶稣
Title : Looking for Jesus
经文 : 太Mt. 28:1-7

1) 妇女们来寻找耶稣
The women came looking for Jesus
i) 人以为祂在的地方
Place where people thought He would be: v1-2
ii) 可是耶稣不在那里
But Jesus was not there: v6
iii) 你去哪里寻找耶稣?
Where do you go to look for Jesus?

2) 今天耶稣会在哪里?
Where will Jesus be today?
i) 找得到耶稣的地方
Where can you find Jesus: 太Mt. 25:34-40
ii) 这关乎天堂和地狱
This concerns heaven and hell: *太Mt. 25:34, 41-46
iii) 审判时主会问什么?
What will Jesus ask on Judgement Day?