2023-03-05 往以马忤斯的路上 On the road to Emmaus – 高伟宏牧师 (Ps. Geoff David Koh)

蒙福主日 05.03.2023

讲员:高伟宏牧师 (Ps. Geoff David Koh)
主题 : 往以马忤斯的路上
Title : On the road to Emmaus
经文 : 路 Luke 24:13-35

The two disciples on the road
i) 离开了耶路撒冷
Left Jerusalem: v13
ii) 眼睛迷糊不认主
Were kept from recognizing the Lord: v16
iii) 失去盼望而忧愁
Lost hope and were downcast: v17-24

2) 耶稣亲自就近他们
Jesus drew near to them personally
i) 为门徒讲解真理
Explained the truth to the disciples: v25-27
ii) 让他们认出是祂
Enabled them to recognise him: v30-31
iii) 门徒立时回圣城
The disciples returned to the holy city at once: