2023-02-26 心被伤得很深 Very deeply wounded heart – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 26.02.2023

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 心被伤得很深
Title : Very deeply wounded heart
经文 : 创Gen. 45:1-15; 46:28-30

1) 约瑟所受的伤害
The hurts Joseph suffered
i) 被至亲出卖陷害
Betrayed and framed by the closest:
*37:23-24, 28; 42:21-24
ii) 成奴仆还被羞辱
Became a slave and humiliated: *39:1,16-20
iii) 孤单和失去最爱
Lonely and lost the most beloved:
*43:27-31; 45:1-3; 46:28-30

2) 约瑟得胜的秘诀
Secrets to Joseph’s victory
i) 敬畏神有神同在
Feared God and had presence of God:
*39:2-3, 9-10, 20-23
ii) 依靠神忘记背后
Forgetting the past with God’s help:
*“玛拿西”原则The Manasseh Principle: 41:51
iii) 依靠神站立昌盛
Stood and prospered with God’s help:
*“以法莲”原则The Ephraim Principle: 41:52