2023-01-29 你的名有被记录吗? Is your name written down? – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 29.01.2023

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 你的名有被记录吗?
Title : Is your name written down?
经文 : 代上1 Chron. 27:25-34

1) 不同事奉和需要
Different ministries and needs
i) 每个人各有所长
We all have different strengths
ii) 不同需要和照顾
Different needs and cares
iii) 各人服事被记念
Everyone’s service is recorded

2) 是否记录到永远
Is it recorded forever?
i) 天上记录最重要
Most importantly be recorded in heaven:
*路Luke 10:20
ii) 不要让名被涂抹
Do not let your name be blotted out:
*启Rev. 3:5
iii) 亚希多弗与约押
Ahithophel and Joab: v34
(a) 亚希多弗 Ahithophel:
撒下2 Sam. 15:12, 31; 16:23; 17:14, 23
(b) 约押 Joab:
王上1 Kings 2:5-6, 28-29, 34-35