2022-12-04 要听又不要听 Wanting to hear but not listening – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 04.12.2022
讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 要听又不要听
Title : Wanting to hear but not listening
经文 : 耶Jeremiah 37:1-17

1) 为何会想听神的话
Why wanting to listen to God’s Word
i) 因为神的话有答案
Because there are answers in God’s Word:
* v3,16-17; 38:14-15
ii) 未必喜欢所听见的
May not like what you hear:
*v6-10, 17; 38:16-18
Response can determine life and death: *38:20-23; 39:5-7

2) 为何想听又不听从
Why wanting to hear but not listening
i) 自己已经有了决定
You have already made a decision
ii) 受人和眼见所影响
Influenced by people or what you see:
*v5, 11; 38:4-6, 19
Proud, unteachable and unrepentant