2022-09-11 瞎子巴底买 The blind man Bartimaeus – 高伟宏弟兄 (Bro. Wei Hong)

蒙福主日 11.09.2022

讲员:高伟宏弟兄 (Bro. Wei Hong)
主题 : 瞎子巴底买
Title : The blind man Bartimaeus
经文 : 可Mk. 10:46-52 (参考: 路Lk. 18:35-43)

1) 耶稣经过的时侯
As Jesus passed by
i) 察觉与平日不同
Noticed it was unusual: v47
ii) 大声地呼求耶稣
Cried out to Jesus loudly: v47
iii) 不被人拦阻影响
Not hindered and influenced by others: v48

2) 主为巴底买停留
The Lord stopped for Bartimaeus
i) 会及时抓住机会
Seized the opportunity in time: v50
ii) 清楚的发出恳求
Pleaded clearly: v51
iii) 得医治后跟随主
Followed the Lord after being healed: v52