2022-06-12 – 耶稣教导的祷告: (八)国度、权柄、荣耀全是父的 Jesus’ teaching on prayer: (8) The kingdom, power and glory are the Father’s – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 12.06.2022

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 耶稣教导的祷告:
Title : Jesus’ teaching on prayer:
(8) The kingdom, power and glory are the Father’s
经文 : 太Mt. 6:13

1) 晓得父神何等伟大
Know how great our Father is
i) 国度是君王做决定
The king makes the decision in the kingdom
ii) 最高的权柄也是祂
He is also the highest authority
iii) 因此荣耀全归于祂
Therefore to Him be the glory

2) 耶稣已得最高权柄
Jesus given the highest authority: * 腓Php. 2:9-11
i) 超乎万名之上的名
Name above every name
ii) 因此奉耶稣的名求
Therefore ask in the name of Jesus:
* 约John 14:12-13
iii) 阿们乃相信必成就
Amen is believing it will surely be done
“阿们” Amen:
诚心所愿 Sincerely desired;
实实在在 Truly, truly;
很肯定 Very certain, surely;
事就这样成了 So be it / So shall it be done