2022-05-22 – 耶稣教导的祷告: (五)免我们的债 Jesus’ teaching on prayer: (5) Forgive us our debts – Ps. GT Lim 林義忠牧师

蒙福主日 22.05.2022

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 耶稣教导的祷告:
Title : Jesus’ teaching on prayer:
(5) Forgive us our debts
经文 : 太Mt. 6:12

1) 突然又提醒认罪
Reminded to confess sin again suddenly
i) 可能感觉不蒙福
Perhaps not feeling blessed
ii) 神提醒自我省察
God reminds to examine ourselves:
*诗Psalm 139:23-24
iii) 罪拦阻祝福临到
Sin hinders blessings from coming:
*诗Psalm 66:18

2) 如同我们饶恕人
As we also have forgiven others
i) 必须要先饶恕人
We must forgive others first: v14-15
ii) 属灵定律不能改
Spiritual law cannot be changed
iii) 饶恕对我们有益
Forgiving others is good for us
饶恕 Forgive
1.放弃 Forsake (抛弃 abandon, 丢掉 throw away)
2.搁置一旁 Lay aside
3.离开 Leave
4.放下、放开 Let alone/ let go
5.收起来、丢开、拿走 Keep and put away
6.免除 Remit