2021-12-05 传福音一些预备 Some preparations for preaching the Gospel – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 05.12.2021

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 传福音一些预备
Title : Some preparations for preaching the Gospel
经文 : 徒Acts. 17:1-15

1) 必要的基本预备
Necessary basic preparations
i) 物色地点和对象
Choose the place and people: v1, 4, 10-12
ii) 要熟悉基本真理
Be familiar with basic truths: v2-3, 11
iii) 不厌其烦的讲解
Sharing and teaching tirelessly: v3

2) 也预备会有拦阻
Be prepared for hindrances as well
i) 不信和嫉妒的人
People who would not believe and are jealous: v5
ii) 拉拢人一起攻击
Stirring up others to attack together: v5, 13
iii) 捏造事实和毁谤
Distorting truths and slandering: v6-7