2021-09-19 地狱里的财主 The rich man in hell – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 19.09.2021

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 地狱里的财主
Title : The rich man in hell
经文 : 路Luke 16:19-31

1) 今生只顾享受的人
People who indulge in pleasures only
i) 天天享受奢侈生活
Extravagant and luxurious living daily: v19
ii) 不怜悯且轻看穷人
Looked down on an had no mercy for the poor:
* v20-21, 24
iii) 是神子民却下地狱
People of God but went to hell: v23, 29-30
iv) 短暂快乐永远痛苦
Temporary happiness, everlasting suffering: v25

2) 今生暂时受苦的人
People who suffer temporarily in this life
i) 生活困苦比不上人
Much tougher life compared to others’: v21
ii) 神没有让生活改善
God did not improve his living standard: v22
iii) 显然有悔改上天堂
Obviously repented and went to heaven: v22, 30
iv) 短暂痛苦永远快乐
Temporary suffering, everlasting happiness: v25

3) 若不想死后下地狱
If you do not want to end up in hell
i) 不要只为自己而活
Do not live just for yourself
ii) 不要对人无怜悯心
Do not be lacking in mercy towards others
iii) 活着时候就要悔改
Repent while you are alive: v31
iv) 要不然死时必后悔
Otherwise will definitely regret in death