2021-08-01 说到这马可 About this Mark – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 01.08.2021
讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

主题 : 说到这马可
Title : About this Mark
经文 : 徒Acts 12:11-12, 24 – 13:5

1) 为何保罗特别提名
Why did Paul specifically mention him
* 西Col. 4:10-11
i) 曾经有负面的形象
Had a negative impression before:
* 徒Acts 15:36-41
ii) 不要人继续如此想
Did not want people to continue to think like that: * 西Col. 4:10
iii) 如今特别称赞推荐
Praised and recommended him specially now:
* 西Col. 4:11

2) 马可生命成长过程
Process of Mark’s growth
i) 来自一个祷告家庭
Came from a praying family: * 徒Acts 12:12
ii) 却也服事半途放弃
Yet gave up halfway while serving:
* 12:25; 13:4-5, 13
iii) 领袖却没放弃栽培
Leaders did not give up training him:
* 徒Acts 15:39 : 巴拿巴 Barnabas
* 彼前1 Pet. 5:13 : 彼得 Peter
* 西Col. 4:10-11; 提后2Tim. 4:11 : 保罗 Paul