2021-05-23 渴慕神同在 Longing for God’s presence – 林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

蒙福主日 23.05.2021
讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 渴慕神同在
Title : Longing for God’s presence

1) 当渴慕到什么地步?
To what extent should our longing be?
i) 没神同在活不下去
Cannot survive without God’s presence:
* 诗Psalm 143:6-7
ii) 没神同在没有力气
No strength without God’s presence:
* 诗Psalm 63:1
iii) 没神同在没有快乐
No happiness without God’s presence:
* 诗Psalm 42:1-3

2) 真渴慕就会如何做?
What would you do if you are truly hungry?
i) 全人全心呼吁祷告
Crying out and praying with your entire being wholeheartedly: * 诗Psalm 84:1-4
ii) 单向真神大大张口
Open wide your mouth to the one true God only:
* 诗Psalm 81:8-10
iii) 时刻保持饥渴状态
Maintain your state of hunger at all times:
* 太Mt. 5:6