2021-05-09 转败为胜的母亲 A mother who turned defeat into victory – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 (母亲节) 09.05.2021
讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 转败为胜的母亲
Title : A mother who turned defeat into victory
经文 : 撒上1 Sam. 1

1) 饱受欺凌羞辱
Endured bullying and humiliation
i) 因不育被欺负
Bullied for barrenness: v5-7
ii) 丈夫无法体会
Husband could not understand: v8
iii) 祭司出言伤害
Priest uttered hurtful words: v12-14

2) 没跌倒仍相信
Did not stumble but continued believing
i) 向神倾心吐意
Poured out her heart to God: v15-16
ii) 单单纯纯相信
Child-like faith: v17-18
iii) 向神遵守承诺
Kept her promise to God: v10-11, 20-28

3) 蒙神眷顾赏赐
Remembered and rewarded by God
i) 儿子成造王者
Son become king-maker: 8:4-5
ii) 人敬畏的先知
Prophet people feared
iii) 神再赏赐儿女
God gave more children: 2:18-21