2021-04-25 (主日 Sunday Service) Forgiven but not forgiving 被赦免却不赦免人 – 林義忠牧师 Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 25.04.2021

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 被赦免却不赦免人
Title : Forgiven but not forgiving
经文 : 太Mt. 18:21​-35

1) 本身犯了许多的罪
Committed many sins himself: v23-25
i) 蒙受王怜悯与赦免
Received King’s mercy and forgiveness: v25-27
ii) 却不愿怜悯赦免人
But unwilling to grant others mercy and forgiveness:
* v28-30
iii) 看不到自己罪更大
Failed to see he was a greater sinner

2) 神不喜悦自我的人
God disapproves of self-centred people
i) 只看到自己的需要
Noticing own needs only
ii) 没以基督的心为心
Not adopting the heart of Christ: v32-33
iii) 最终也不被父赦免
Ultimately not forgiven by the Father: v34-35