2021-03-14 只听自己喜欢听的 Listening only to what you like – Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 14.03.2021

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 只听自己喜欢听的
Title : Listening only to what you like
经文 : 王上1 Kings 22:5-28

1) 若不想或不听真话
If not wanting to listen to the truth: v8
i) 人就不跟你讲真话
People will not tell you the truth: v6, 10-13, 15-16
ii) 撒谎的灵会来迷惑
Lying spirit will come to deceive: v21-23
Consequence could be severe and terrible: v34-35

2) 不想听真话的原因
Reasons for not wanting to listen to the truth
i) 自己早已经下决定
Have already made the decision yourself
ii) 不愿意改变或悔改
Unwilling to change or repent
Proud and love flattery