2021-02-12 大年初一特别线上聚会 – 家庭和睦必蒙福 A peaceful family will be blessed – Ps.GT Lim

大年初一特别线上聚会 12.02.2021
讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)
主题 : 家庭和睦必蒙福
Title : A peaceful family will be blessed
经文 : 诗Psalm 133

1) 家人若和睦相处
When family lives in peace
i) 神看为何等美善
Good and pleasant to God: v1
ii) 贵重恩膏油流下
Precious anointing oil runs down: v2
Anointing brings overflowing blessings:
* 诗Psalm 23:5

2) 不要只表面团圆
Not just superficial reunion
i) 爱能遮掩许多罪
Love covers over a multitude of sins:
* 彼前1 Pet. 4:8; 箴Prov.10:12
ii) 耶稣使我们和睦
Jesus makes us at peace with each other:
* 弗Eph. 2:13-14
Reconcile before offering sacrifices:
* 太Mt. 5:23-24