2021-01-24 迷惑(一)异端邪教 Deception (1) Cults and occults – Ps. GT Lim 林義忠牧师

蒙福主日 24.01.2021

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

主题 : 迷惑(一)异端邪教
Title : Deception (1) Cults and occults

经文 : 启Rev. 2:6, 14-16

1) 异端邪教如何形成?
How do cults and occults come about?
i) 断章取义曲解圣经
Misinterpret and quote scriptures out of context:
* 太Mt. 24:4-5, 11, 27
ii) 冒充的灵彰显启示
Manifestations and revelations of counterfeit spirits:
* 太Mt. 24:23-24; 林后2 Cor. 11:13-15; 西Col. 2:18
Personal desires open the door: * 提后2 Tim. 3:1-8

2) 异端邪教一些特征
Some distinctive signs of cults and occults
i) 神秘鬼祟洗脑操纵
Secretive, mind-control and manipulate
ii) 特爱引诱离群信徒
Love to seduce isolated Christians
Claim only they will be saved

3) 明显冲突真理部分
Areas obviously conflicting with Biblical truths
i) 排斥远离其他教会
Reject and distance from other churches
ii) 崇拜教主如同上帝
Exalt their leader as god
New revelations and additional “holy books”:
* 启Rev. 22:18-19