2021-01-10 恩典路上两大考验 Two big tests along the journey of grace Ps. GT Lim

蒙福主日 10.01.2021

讲员:林義忠牧师 (Ps. GT Lim)

主题 : 恩典路上两大考验
Title : Two big tests along the journey of grace
经文 : 得Ruth 1:3-15

1) 原来走在恩典路上
Was on the path of grace
i) 外邦人蒙恩走向神
Gentile walking towards God by grace: v6-7
ii) 未必一定坚持到底
May not persevere till the end

2) 很平常的两大考验
Two very common big tests: v8-13
i) 当地上生活受影响
When earthly living is affected
ii) 当地上感情受影响
When earthly relationships are affected

3) 在乎地上过于天上
Treasure the earthly more than the heavenly
i) 很快就动摇掉头走
Easily shaken and turning back: v14-15
ii) 放弃恩典回到从前
Giving up grace and returning to the past: v15